Bilston & Wolverhampton West Rotary Club
Chartered: 1931
RI Club ID: 19958
When a group of nine Bilston business men met in the back room of the Villiers Arms in March 1931 to receive the charter that started Rotary in Bilston, I’m sure they could have had no idea what the next 90 years would look like or what a difference the club they were starting would make. What they did know was they wanted to make a difference, a difference to the community they lived in and in the lives of the people who lived and worked in Bilston.
It was a bleak world outside that room in 1931 the world was gripped by a global crisis affecting every country. The Great Depression was destroying economies across the world, factories closing, businesses going under, jobs lost, lives ruined and communities destroyed. Bilston, at the heart of the industrial midlands with its steel and heavy industry, was particularly badly hit; so never was there a better time for a group of like-minded people to embark on a journey to help communities, support people and help create a better world.
The Bilston & Willenhall Times2nd Mar 1957 | Bilston Rotary Club Bulletin8th Mar 1957 | The County ExpressAugust 4th 1978 |
Express and Star NewspaperExpress and Star Newspaper | Express and StarJanuary 30th 1984 | B&WW Jan 2017B&WW Jan 2017 |
B&WW RC Bilston Magazine about the funds we raised over Christmas of £2,235 for local charB&WW RC Bilston Magazine about the funds we raised over Christmas of £2,235 for local char | BWW RC Feb 2019BWW RC Feb 2019 | BWW RC Jun 2021BWW RC Jun 2021 |
BWW RC Mar 2022
BWW RC Mar 2019
BWW RC Apr 2022
Santa Sleigh
4th Feb 2020
5th April 2017
27th March 2022
25th Jan 2023
4th April 2019
March 2016
July 2022
Bilston Rotary Club Members 1931
Donation to the Ukrainian church along side The Mayor of Wolverhampton and other Rotary clubs
It's that time again ho ho ho
Bilston lights switch on
A bit of festive fun at Morrisons Bilston
Rotary Club of Bilston & Wolverhampton
We have arrived
Today is #WorldPolioDay.…
Santa has arrived early at Bilston Town Football Club
Rotary Club of Bilston & Wolverhampton West